Thursday, June 4, 2009

R.S. visit to orphanage

On Saturday May 30th the Chisinau Branch Relief Society went to an orphanage to deliver pillows that they had made at an enrichment night activity. It was a very emotional experience for me. Elder Hinson and I have not visited any orphanages while we have been here. The children we usually deal with have families (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) that take care of them. These beautiful children have no one except those teachers who work in this facility. The R.S. brought the pillows that they had made, and also cookies, candy, juice, and other treats. These children were so grateful for everything!!!!! They hugged their pillows. It didn’t matter what color their pillow was because it was something that belong to just them. The children then each recited a poem, and when I asked what they were saying one of the sisters told me they were talking about their mothers. I just about lost control of myself! It was hard to see these beautiful children without loving parents to take care of them. I am always reminded to be grateful for the blessing I have been given, and to try harder to do more to help my fellow beings.